It’s hard to put into words how good it felt to finally be back on stage for the two Berlin shows we played last week. It was a total blast playing to very receptive audiences, first at a lethally packed Loophole with Pieuvre and, the weekend after, an equally packed Villa Kuriosum, with Top Down and nunofyrbeeswax. We’ve got another somewhat secret show coming up at the end of the month in bumfuck nowhere, Brandenburg before we leave for France to record our second album about an hour by car north of Bordeaux. Meanwhile we’re working on getting a bunch more gigs in town but also elsewhere. Appreciating any leads as per usual. Hit us up.
On a different note, remember The Sunday Matinee? I wrote a long-ass article about it on this here website a few weeks back, see link. The next one is coming up tomorrow afternoon, with Kristoffer Lislegaard, Dept. of Justice (featuring Diego & Oliver from Martin Bisi‘s band, among others) and Teresa Riemann. I imagine it’ll be quite droneful and percussion-heavy. There will be tacos as well, courtesy of Jejeje Simon. Treat yourself.

Some pictures from last week’s shows: